New event coming soon!

Pembrokeshire Community Heritage Week is a new initiative that PLANED are very proud to be developing in 2021…
Full details are contained in the letters (English and Welsh) found in the links below, but it is worth noting that this year’s event is planned to run from Monday 31 May until Friday 4 June, and this year due to the ongoing pandemic restrictions will focus on virtual, online content celebrating Pembrokeshire’s amazing community heritage.
There are two ways to get involved:
PLANED will be producing some online content that will be distributed throughout the week, and if you would like to work with us to be a part of that, please get in touch with us (details in the letter below).
We would also like to encourage heritage organisations and community groups to develop events of their own as part of the week – this could be a ‘Zoom’ talk, a virtual tour, an online exhibition, a digital re-enactment or any other activity or event that celebrates your community and your local history. We can offer some advice and assistance, but will also promote your events alongside our own.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions – we will be distributing further details in due course. If you use Facebook, please also keep an eye on the Echoes Facebook page ( as well as the Pembrokeshire Heritage Forum Facebook Group ( where we will be posting further information as it develops.
Please feel free to share this with any colleagues or contacts that you think may find it to be of interest.