Heritage Forum seeks members’ views

It was a project that started out as a small group of history enthusiasts from the Pembroke area to share the findings of one of their projects. But interest in the Pembrokeshire Heritage Forum has shown just how much demand there is for a group like this.

The group was started by volunteers at Pembroke Town Walls Trust, and in 2019, due to the increasing demands of running the Forum alongside their normal projects, they approached PLANED to assist with some of the administration. However, after a successful face-to-face meeting in early 2020, the coronavirus pandemic struck and prevented the follow-up meeting, planned for early summer. Instead, PLANED and the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park have worked together to try and host a series of virtual meetings – with some mixed success.

To date, there have been three virtual meetings, which have varied a little each time, as the organising team experiment with different virtual meeting software and timings. Another meeting is now due in early 2021, and with no sign of the pandemic restrictions lifting, it looks like the next few meetings are likely to be virtual. It may even be the case that, even when face-to-face meetings are possible once again, some people might be able to attend virtually.

To help the team who organise to make sure that the meetings are meeting the requirements of their members, they are asking for those interested to answer questions in this survey – please click here.

The survey will try to find out if there is a consensus on issues such as meeting timings, software platform, meeting agenda and much more.


Link to the survey: https://forms.gle/vyMZT9SebG5FwC9W8
Link to the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/PembsHeritageForum
Link to the group’s Mailing List: https://facebook.us8.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=098f76fcf91367d7e6abc8c31&id=446ae3b10f