I’m delighted to announce we are completing the final stages of cataloguing and digitisation the fantastic collections and material from the Penally History Group, before moving on to our next local history group towards the end of this month.

One of the joys of working with collections such as these is that you learn so much about the communities they belong to. This emphasises how important it is that this information is available to groups around the county and to be shared with the wider community.

It is amazing to see what the group in Penally have accomplished in regard to the history of their local area and to see what can be achieved with local history including the scheduling and interpretation of a monument of national importance. I have learned so much about Penally from working with this collection, it has been a real joy.

The next step is to complete the final stages of digitisation of the material from Penally and produce one of our comprehensive but easily accessible catalogues for this group and the others involved with this Sharing History project. This will hopefully now be completed by the time we move on to our next group.